Frames 1

It has been rather a long time since doing a post about the kayak under construction - I'll explain why at the end of the post. The frames are nearing completion, as shown in the photo below.

Apologies for the poor image quality -I  will have to go back to using the old camera.  Shown are frames 3-8, and in the foreground the masik (the deck beam which fits over the thighs and supports the front of the cockpit). Frames (2,3 & 9) near the bow and stern were still in the boat.
Two are simply cut from 9 mm marine ply; others are stiffened with 15 mm square douglas fir and/or cedar. The frame in the foreground still with clamps is strengthened with laminated oak. The nearer to the footrest or seat, the heavier the frame. Each fits snugly to it's corresponding deck beam.
All had been either strengthened with epoxy fillets, laminated or faired and nearly set when the photo was taken.
The next step will be sand everything down including gunwales, then the frames will be lashed and pegged in place.
Progress has been slow as their construction needed a fair bit of time and thought (it would probably have been quicker to build traditionally with steamed bent ribs), the demands of ageing in laws, and being away three consecutive weekends, the last one of which was to attend a conference which I helped sponsor with a small donation  from Cornwall Custom Kayaks. This was the "Waves of  Change Forum" in London; as I am particularly keen on the "Peace Education Program" which has made a positive difference to prisoner's lives in many countries:


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